Remember when we were kids and our parents would warn us about watching too much television because it would "rot our brains?" Well, I watched it anyway, and my brayne brane brain is just fine. How ridiculous! Like watching the shows back then could do anything but improve our mental state! That’s like saying mommy leaving me home alone when I was four with just the TV for company was a bad thing. Who comes up with this stuff?
Many shows back then touched on intelligent social issues or had educational themes and pulled together elements of comedy and drama and mystery that awakened your mind to new ideas and insights. I loved "All In The Family" and the brilliant caricature of Archie Bunker's blue collar life in
With the advent of reality television, though, everything has changed. I can safely say that watching too much of it WILL ROT YOUR BRAIN! In a world where TV poker players are considered athletes and where MTV doesn’t play music, it's time to take another look at the mental mush that is passing for entertainment on TV these days. The "Jerry Springer-esque" approach to television programming is creating a generation of mindless foul-mouthed imbeciles whose lives are all about posing, primping, getting drunk, having casual sex and fighting.
Probably no show on television better epitomizes this ugly trend than MTV's "
Not only has this program been criticized loudly by Italian-Americans who see it as wildly offensive and an insult to their heritage, but New Jersey lawmakers have likewise condemned the show and asked MTV to cancel the series because it perpetuates the unflattering stereotype of the people there as idiotic, low-class mooks and skanks. (Stereotype? Really? Are they not the Armpit of America?)
The cast of “
Several of the cast members, most notably Snooki, Mike and Pauly D, have become popular guests on talk shows and have been commanding personal appearance fees of $10,000 each. This is strange when you consider that stars at their level of style, IQ and talent could easily be replaced by anyone sitting alone at a
For the second season (Ugh! Yes, there will be one) they demanded MTV pay them $10,000 per episode by acting as a group, like the cast of "Friends" did, and saying they would all walk if they didn't get what they wanted. The only difference is that the cast of "Friends" were actors and they were talented and deserved their money. These clowns? Not so much. They made only a few hundred bucks per episode and MTV said they would rather replace the cast than change their agreement. Apparently the cast caved in their negotiations because they are all coming back. Lucky us.
Mike "The Situation" is a 27 year-old assistant manager of a gym. He is so proud of his six pack abs that he nicknamed them "The Situation" and refers to himself constantly by that name. In fact he is so in love with this name that you would almost think he was getting paid per mention. Not only is he currently trying to trademark his nickname, but he is also reportedly launching a new cologne called "The Sitch." To quote "The Situation" he says "This is The Situation right here, my abs are so ripped up it's ... we call it The Situation. I mean, this situation is gonna be indescribable, you can't even describe the situation that you're about to get into with The Situation. I don’t think they are going to be ready for this situation. Everyone’s gonna be like “oh shoot, that’s the situation right there. I got girls back here almost every night, there's not a time that I don't have girls coming back. Girls love The Situation."
I'm sure everyone is glad that fame hasn't gone to his head.
Snooki is a living, tiny, orange-skinned, sloppy drunk troll doll with a ridiculous hair poof and a filthy mouth that is giving the show's film editor carpal tunnel syndrome. When she is not getting drunk she goes to the gym in full makeup and hopes to make a splash “with all the juiced-up men.” She recently refused to meet Jerry Springer at a restaurant they were both eating at because she said "I am way classier than that." So classy, in fact, that on their first episode, Snooki showed up to the beach house with her clothes in a garbage bag, proceeded to get drunk and strip down to her bra and thong underwear and climb into the hot tub where she proceeded to paw at all the guys, being repelled by each. Then she blacked out, overslept, threw up and missed her first day of work orientation. Too classy for Springer? That was just the first 24 hours.
As for the future, she hopes to parlay her celebrity into a dating show called "Snookin’ For Love." She says "I want to find my prince. I’d have 27 guys: guidos and juice heads. That’d be heaven. Every time I’d pick a guy, I’d give them a pickle and we’d eat the pickles at the end." Sadly, given the popularity of these types of shows, I don't doubt she will get it. Snooki, who Mike compared to a Chihuahua spray-painted black, was quoted as saying "I'm not trashy, unless I drink too much" and "I tried to eat, but I couldn't get it in my frickin' mouth, 'cuz I'm disabled."
How appalling.
Finally we get to Pauly D, a deejay with his own personal tanning bed and a heavy addiction to hair gel (what he calls man-gel) which, for 25 minutes each morning, he uses to spike his hair and then point it backwards to look cool. (That is, if your definition for "cool" means "retarded.") How addicted is he to his man-gel? "There's no way I'm going to
Some things are even too stupid to contemplate.
With 4.8 million homes tuned to the season finale of "Jersey Shore", and the likelihood that not all of them were located in New York and New Jersey, it does make me worry about the people that enjoy watching this show and whether any of them are of child-bearing years, drive vehicles or have access to explosives. I think shows like this one contribute to the decline of civilization and effectively dumb down our populace by spoon feeding them this kind of trash in lieu of substantive television programming. How long before we have millions of American adults glued to the TV screen watching some violent, angry version of Teletubbies? With the advent of these types of shows and their degenerative effect on our brain cells, it's only a matter of time.
In the meantime, perhaps we should try and preserve our collective I.Q. and watch shows that are entertaining on a more intellectual level such as "House", "Bones", "NCIS", "Fringe," "Criminal Minds," and wean ourselves off of other shows like "America's Top Model," "Melrose Place," "90210," and "So You Think You Can Dance."
And especially anything on the Fox News Channel!
What?! You don't think Jersey Shore is the best new show on TV? I'm shocked.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot to mention that Snooki couldn't manage to get herself laid not even ONE TIME while filming the show!!! And it sure as hell wasn't for the lack of trying.
How pathetic that you can't get ONE SINGLE DRUNK GUY to bump uglies with you. I think I would just go hang myself.....
Thank you for the eloquent reminder of why I refuse to watch this show!
ReplyDeleteI've watched this show a couple of time, but I quickly tired of the "douche bags" and "douchess". I'd rather watch "I Wanna Work for Diddy".
ReplyDeleteI know you are just WAITING for this.....
Yes...."The Situation" has his own beer.
I have to add that I've never seen this show. I don't watch much tv but when I do--I choose my evils carefully. True wickedness doesn't spray tan.
This is my favorite thing to come out of Jersey Shore.
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Tom! Funny as this is on the surface, you make some great points about how desperate we have become in our pursuit of "entertainment". And just think...before too long, we can see this stuff in 3-D! I'm glad there are still humorosts like you to gently nudge us back to reality.
ReplyDeleteAnd some day, I will learn how to keyboard, and spell... Of course, I meant "humorists". (blushing lightly)
ReplyDeleteThe Waltons was my favorite back in the day. That and Andy Griffith are the best type of shows imho.
ReplyDeleteI spent more time reading this than I ever will watching the show. I'll stick with more relative and informative television like Jerry Springer. Jer rie, Jer rie, Jer rie…
ReplyDeleteI couldn't possibly agree with you more. I'm all for frivolous entertainment, but I can't do the mass murder of values and morals. I've never even seen the show and this is exactly why. Well said!!
ReplyDeleteI've been told I look like 'The Situation.'
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if that's a compliment or not.