Saturday, April 27, 2013

Recipe For A Smile, A Saturday Centus


Saturday is finally here and time to abandon the tribulations of the work week and indulge in a little creative wordsmithing!

What better way to do this than to participate in week 157 of Saturday Centus, that award-winning literary meme that has the whole blogosphere raving with fervent delight.  Thanks to Jenny Matlock of her blog, “off on my tangent” for providing this wonderful creative outlet for writers of micro-fiction. 

The rules of this meme are to use the supplied prompt as written and no more than 100 extra words of your choosing to create a short story or poem.  Then post your work to Jenny’s Saturday Centus page so that the rest of us Centusians and ardent followers can read and enjoy your take on the week’s prompt.  

This week’s prompt is "Melt butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat."  Yes, really!   So get your F. Scott Fitzgerald on and start writing!   I have dedicated this week's post to our wonderful host, Ms. Jenny, and entitled my effort for this week:

Recipe For A Smile

A warm and charming little place with an offbeat and colorful vibe, Jenny’s Café is a favorite indulgence of mine.  The walls are adorned with beautiful signs with uplifting quotes hand-painted by Jenny herself. 

The café’s specialty is delicious classic comfort food with a fun twist, always served with a smile and a side of humor.

One morning I asked Jenny how she made the “blackened pancakes” on the menu. 

“First melt butter in a large skillet over medium-high heat and ladle pancake batter in small circles.  Then respond to a text message from your friend and forget to flip the pancakes.”

“Works every time.” she quipped.

Jenny Matlock

As a child my family's menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it.

                                              -  Buddy Hackett



  1. Now that was cute! Where on earth is that café?~Ames

  2. Sounds just like something she might do, ha!

  3. Ha ha ... I am sure that will work every time :D

  4. Darling tribute to our dear Jenny and good for a chuckle too...nicely done !!!

  5. I really like Jenny's cafe. Looks like a warm, cozy place.

  6. Looks like a great place to eat! Love your take on the prompt! Wonderful tribute to Jenny, who has inspired to many of us!

  7. Awwww!


    Darn! How did you know I've always wanted a cafe!

    Perhaps when you head to Sunstroke-ville I shall amaze you and your lovely bride with a gastronomic delight such as this!


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