Thursday, November 19, 2009
How Can The Right Be So Wrong?

Friday, November 13, 2009
Goodbye To My Friends

Monday, November 9, 2009
Gift Ideas For The Person That Has Everything

All of us have at least one someone that we agonize over each year in terms of deciding what to get them for a Christmas present. For me, it's my mom, because she has everything and needs nothing. And I know from past experience that if I just get her the usual boring, thoughtless gifts that she gets every year (slippers, bottle of wine, flowers, book of erotica, etc.) she will thank me and give me her usual polite smile, as all moms do after they receive a crappy gift, and then go off to some distant corner of the house somewhere to cry. Sometimes she also rolls her eyes as she shakes her head from side-to-side while mumbling "Why me God?" right before she kicks the dog.
Being both observant and a student of body language, such subtle cues as this are not lost on me.
While she may be trying to project an image of someone who is happy with her gift, I can tell that her appreciation is less than sincere and that what she really wants to say is “You bastard! Boy, what a rotten gift! I can’t believe I carried you for nine months in my womb, changed your diapers, fed you and took care of you all these years and this is the thanks I get? You dirty, lousy, ungrateful son-of-a-bitch!” Yes, I know. She does have a way with words. But then, she was raised Catholic.
As a public service to my fellow bloggers I have scoured the internet searching for unique gift ideas (items rivaling soap-on-a-rope and singing fish in terms of universal gift satisfaction) so that none of us need fear the dreaded gift giving disappointment of previous years. I will be posting these ideas over the next couple weeks so you have ample time to order them for your loved ones and other people you despise but tolerate at Christmas.
All of the gifts ideas I will post are available online for your convenience. Those of you who prefer to shop early for gifts (instead of waiting a couple days before the holiday like the rest of us normal people) can purchase all of your gifts online in one fell swoop and have more time for drinking booze and getting high volunteering at the homeless shelter!
In addition to the ideas shared here, I’m more than certain that incredulously fantastic gifts can be found by clicking the many ads found on my blog. Possibly the best present for that loved one in your life that you really want to impress and make beam with happiness is but one click away from you right now. Yes, dreams can be fulfilled, lives can be forever changed and you can be the recipient of life-long unconditional love and affection with just the right gift found right here, again, just one small mouse click from where you are right now. Sort of boggles the mind, doesn’t it?
Of course I would never be brazen enough to encourage my readers to click on my ads nor have all their friends click on my ads. I find that sort of shameless self-promotion to be in bad taste, especially at this time of year when many people are struggling financially, like myself (paying for little Timmy’s kidney dialysis is an overwhelming expense as you would expect), and have a limited amount of money to spend on presents. Be that as it may, please remember that the true meaning of the season is giving to others less fortunate than yourself, even if it amounts to something as simple as a well-placed finger spasm on a computer mouse while reading a certain blog.
But I digress.
Here are some Christmas gifts guaranteed to brighten the spirits and make this holiday the best ever for anyone that receives one of them. Well, except little Jimmy…. er...Timmy, anyway.
New For This Year Is The Latest In Chia Pets, It's Chia Obama!
Designed in honor of our 44th President, Barack Obama, this latest Chia design is destined to be a collector's item. Previous Chia pets, such as Chia Homer, Chia Bart, Chia Shrek, Chia Garfield and others have managed to retain their value exceedingly well and can be found gracing the desks of CEO's and corporate executives the world over. And because it is a plant, moms and grandmas love them too! Buy one for your boss, for your girlfriend, for your barber and the guy that sells you weed. Everyone loves a Chia! Check it out online here.
Ceramic Drunk Chicken Heads Add Fun To Your Barbecue!
Fans of Drunken Chicken, where a can of beer with seasonings is inserted into the bottom of a chicken to flavor it while it barbecues, will appreciate this new gadget. These plucky ceramic chicken heads insert at the top of the chicken prior to roasting (or if you prefer, you can put them on afterwards or on store-bought rotisserie chicken for that matter) to add color and personality to your meal. Don’t settle for decapitated birds anymore!
This is a great gift idea for those on your list that prefer to see the faces on the food they cook and take some sick pleasure in watching the unbelievable horror as the flames mercilessly lick and sear the soft white flesh of the birds, turning it a crispy golden brown, while sizzling juices send pungent chicken-scented smoke into the air. Currently there are three styles available, including Bug Eye, Southwestern and
Rumor has it that they are working on a Sarah Palin head and a John McCain head for next year (their supposed “Maverick” line) as well as a Hillary Clinton head. Calm down, Bill. It’s not what you think.
Get the whole set of three Ceramic Drunk Chicken Heads for only $14.95!

Monday, November 2, 2009
Cooking Turkey The Ron Burgundy Way