Sunday, March 11, 2012

Chloe's Big News, A Saturday Centus


Jenny Matlock

It’s been so long since I posted anything I fear that the blog powers that be are surely seriously contemplating stripping me of my blogger status and preparing to throw me out into the cold, wet and dark world of...eek…normal society.

Well I can’t have that.

So I’m back once again to try my hand at yet another of Jenny Matlock’s Saturday Centus challenges. You too are invited to give this a try if you haven’t already! It’s a lot more fun than a Sudoku puzzle and you don’t need a calculator! Just head on over to Jenny’s blog, off on my tangent, by clicking on this link or her button and let the literary fun begin!

This week marks Jenny’s 97th such exercise in short, short story writing. And speaking of short story writing, this week our challenge is to write a story using 5 sentences of only 5 words per sentence. So we have 25 words total to write about anything we want (just not the vulgar, disgusting stuff…save that for your journal) with no prompt to work from. Whoopee! This sounds so easy I might just write a couple of them!

Chloe's Big News!

Newborn puppies have just arrived. 

Chloe had six adorable pups. 

I hear them softly squeaking. 

Rufus and Ringo are overjoyed. 

Ours has become a doghouse.

Rick Santorum For Grand Inquisitor

Our family values are right. 

Why let others act differently? 

We say, “It’s God’s Way.” 

Santorum will make America God-fearing. 

He will cleanse this land.

A Special Puppy Video

Jenny Matlock

My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to 99 cents a can. That's almost $7.00 in dog money.

-- Joe Weinstein



  1. Congrats on the puppies, I'll bet you're having fun with them:@)

  2. Great 5x5's.

    Cute puppies and Santorum make strange bedfellows!


  3. I agree with Sue. Warm puppies and politicians do make strange bedfellows! Just where have you been anyway// We've missed you. Oh, and Chloe is beautiful!!

  4. I'd say your status as blogger is fully intact...LOve love love the bassett video... oh, and I have to agree with sue and judie... an odd pairing..not that Sue and Judie are an odd pairing. I was referring to the puppies and politicians... maybe you meant this to be alphabet-thursday's "P is for..." hahaha...

  5. Maybe the puppies are there to cleanse the bitter taste of Santorum. ;) Congrats on Chloe's pups. She's adorable!

  6. Aw puppies. The sweetest creatures! Loved the Santorium comic strip too! And are those Basset hound puppies stinkin sweet too? Welcome back!~Ames

  7. omg, what breed is Chloe? she looks so similar to my little dog ... and puppies, oh you are so lucky, they look so adorable!!! and please keep your blogger status intact ... i do need a good read on the weekend!

  8. Glad you you're back. What a cute video!

  9. What a great way to find yourself in the doghouse. Congratulations.

  10. Awwww... Interesting segue into your second work...

    Congratulations on your new puppies! I'm glad you're keeping busy.



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