Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tom's Story, A Saturday Centus

Jenny Matlock

This week’s Saturday Centus is all about me!

That’s right!  For week 94 Jenny Matlock, our hostess with the plentitude, has made this week’s assignment autobiographical. Regular visitors to this blog will remember that Jenny hosts this weekly challenge at her blog, off on my tangent, and that we are typically given 100 words plus a supplied prompt to create a story or poem.

Not this week though.

In something she labeled as “Autobriefagraphical” Jenny has chopped our word count so small you can count them on two hands (one hand if you live near a former nuclear test site.)  

Six words, people!  Can you imagine describing your life with six words?  I mean you really need ten or twelve words to do a respectable job now, don’t you? 

Here is my effort for this week’s Saturday Centus.  Those of you who know me will understand.  I have labeled this week's six-word epic "Tom's Story."

Looking at life through Groucho glasses.

I'm writing an unauthorized autobiography.
- Steven Wright 



  1. You chose your six words sooooo well, Tom! Love your new glasses!

  2. ..and that's a cool way to do it!

  3. Now stop clowning around and give me those glasses back!

  4. You clearly didn't need 10 or 12 words for this one. Well done, Tom.
    And I want to read Wright's unauthorized autobio.

  5. Great philosophy, and hilarious picture too!

  6. Hey, I've got those same glasses in my drawer!!

  7. Great way to look at life...great picture it brought a smile to my face. And, I love the name of your blog

  8. Tom! I love this! I can actually picture you wearing those to make people laugh!

    Let me think of six words for you...




    I'm ready.

    The most amazing writer I've met.

    Yes, I'll be your agent.


Please share your comments with me!

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